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A King James Bible-Believing Church serving the city of Montreal
Pastor Kyle Stephens
Preaching/Teaching Oct 25-27
Fri-7pm, Sat 10am, Sun 10am
Special Lessons on Church History for Saturday's Services
A message from the Pastor...
My name is Gabriel L. Cochran, and I'm the founder
and Pastor of the Freedom Baptist Church. I'm 44
years old and originally from the United States. I was
born and raised in Tennessee to Bible-believing
parents. My Dad has been pastoring since 1982,
and he is currently the pastor of Bible Baptist Church
in Asheboro, North Carolina.
I trusted Jesus Christ as my Saviour in 1985 at the age of five, after hearing my Dad preach a message on hell. I was young and didn't know much, but I knew I didn't want to go to hell---so I took the Way out, thank God. I've NEVER regretted that.
As a teenager, the Lord began dealing with me about preaching and teaching the Bible, and at 19 years old, I surrendered my life to His Will. To prepare for the ministry, I attended the Pensacola Bible Institute in Pensacola, Florida, graduating in 2002. While in Bible college, I met my wife Sonia (who is from here in Montreal), and we were married after I graduated that same year. God's been very, very gracious to us and has given us four beautiful children---our oldest is 20; our youngest is 2.
In 2006, after serving in my Dad's church and working in law enforcement for a while, the Lord made His will clear to my wife and I that we should move to Montreal as missionaries.
We served in a church in Laval for three years, and then in 2009 I started the Freedom Baptist Church on the North Shore with my family. In 2021, we moved the church to our current location in the West Island.
Freedom Baptist is an Independent, King James Bible-believing, Baptist church. When we started this church, it was with a heart to see three things accomplished in the city of Montreal by God's grace and help. We have the same heart and the same goals in mind today, when it comes to our mission. First of all, as a group of born-again believers, we want to GLORIFY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and give Him the preeminence in our lives (Colossians 1:18). Secondly, we wish to BUILD UP THE CHRISTIAN by the teaching and preaching of the word of God, which is the power of God in the life of the believer. (Psa. 119:130; Eph. 4:12; I Cor. 1:18). Our goal is that the Christian know God, know God's Book, and know God's will and purpose for his or her life. Thirdly, we desire to see SOULS SAVED from hell through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Consider this your invitation to visit us. Every born-again believer in Christ should have a local, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church with which to gather, hear preaching, learn the Book, fellowship, and serve Jesus Christ. There's a dangerous trend today where Christians sit alone on their computers or phones and "livestream" or listen to videos instead of obeying the word of God and "assembling" with other Christians in a New Testament church (Heb. 10:25). This is one of the worst mistakes you could make for your spiritual well-being. Don't fall in line with that trend.
I am not a job as a preacher and pastor is to minister the word and words of God. I will do my best to give you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from God's Book. We have a great group of people here who will care and pray for you, and we will thank God for the chance to try and be a blessing to you. Hope to see you soon.
Gabriel L. Cochran, Pastor
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