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A King James Bible-Believing Church serving the city of Montreal
Youth Rally and Christmas Dinner
Bro James Deferio, Martville NY Preaching
Friday at 7pm, December 13
Welcome to Freedom Baptist Church.
At Freedom, we seek to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ; build strong, Bible-believing Christian men, women, and children; and present the gospel of Jesus Christ to lost sinners. We believe, preach, and teach the truth from a King James Bible. We sing the hymns. We pray. We praise. We look for Jesus Christ's soon return. Join us!
1975 Hymus Blvd, Suite 230
Service Times:
SUNDAY - 10am Sunday School, 11am Preaching
2pm Downtown street preaching and tract-passing
THURSDAY - 6:30pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
(Translation services are available for French and other languages.)
If you'd like to find out how you can know for sure you are going to heaven, click FREE GIFT.
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